
Alumni Spotlight featuring Diane Bevan

Mandisa Thomas
September 13, 2024
Alumni Stories

Diane has founded multiple nonprofits over the years. She is currently the President and CEO of Idaho Technology Council. Her super-connector abilities enable her to create an impact by leveraging her personal and professional insight to uplift others. Diane is passionate about empowering women in business and the community. As a consultant focusing on bridging inequities, she champions women-owned businesses, women-led nonprofits, and the nation’s Women’s Business Centers. Read her Alumni spotlight to learn more about her experience in the program and future goals.

Diane talks about why she chose the Executive Program
For over six years, I’ve been deeply involved in nonprofit work, driven by a passion for social impact and leadership. Enrolling in the Executive Program of Social Impact Strategy at PENN was a pivotal step in my journey, as I sought to deepen my understanding of social impact and nonprofit leadership through rigorous coursework and best practice strategies. My primary goal was to enhance my abilities as a nonprofit leader, broaden my foundational knowledge, and support other leaders in the sector.

Initially, my journey focused on expanding my theory of diversified influence, creating an intentional platform that leverages professional expertise to empower women. However, during the CSIS program, I was presented with an incredible opportunity to take on the role of President and CEO of the Idaho Technology Council. This transition has allowed me to apply my skills in a new context, shifting my focus to a broader community while continuing to drive impactful change.

Diane discusses her social impact work
About ten years ago, I stepped into my first nonprofit role, and it quickly became clear that my passion lay in creating social impact. My work has primarily focused on securing federal and nonfederal funding to support diverse communities, particularly in entrepreneurship. I’ve been dedicated to funding jobs in other nonprofits that serve Hispanic, Black, Veteran, and Native American small business owners, especially women.

Impact investing, when done well, has the potential to be life-changing, creating a ripple effect that spans generations. This is what drives me—to change the narrative and flip the script by directing funding into targeted areas, strengthening ecosystems that are often siloed.

In my new role at the Idaho Technology Council, I’ve been able to apply the impact strategies I’ve learned through the CSIS program. My understanding of theories of change, logic models, and data management is helping to increase measurable impact by setting clear objectives. This work allows me to continue my passion for driving meaningful change in communities that need it most.

Advice for future applicants
My advice for future applicants is to lean in with an open mind and embrace change. Social impact work is a powerful economic driver for creating healthy communities, and the world needs passionate leaders like you to succeed. Whether you’re facing challenges or looking to innovate and scale your initiatives, this program will provide the clarity you need. The CSIS program offers a deeper understanding of your own work, while also equipping you to support and strengthen other programs in your area. The peer connections you’ll make within your cohort are invaluable, offering insights and support that will enrich your journey.

Diane talks about her short-term and long-term goals after the program
In the short term, I envision this program making me a more effective and successful nonprofit leader. The insights and principles I’ve gained have enabled me to thoroughly evaluate the Idaho Technology Council, auditing our deliverables for measurable impact. This has led to the creation of a robust 3–5-year strategic plan focused on increasing data-driven outcomes, creating higher-paying jobs, and boosting Idaho’s economy.

In the long term, this program has inspired me to set a goal of completing a Master’s in Nonprofit Leadership from PENN, further deepening my expertise and expanding my ability to drive meaningful change in the nonprofit sector.

Thank you, Diane! Follow our LinkedIn page to hear from more brilliant Changemakers.

SIS graduates are eligible to apply to the (Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership (NPL) in an accelerated, on-campus, or online format. The NPL program is a ten-credit master’s program; SIS Alumni must complete six credits to graduate.

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The Executive Programs in Social Innovation Design and Social Impact Strategy are accepting applications!
Review our program outlook to learn more.