
Alumni Stories
The Pivot Moment: Gray Garmon on Design for Social Impact

We interviewed two of our alumni, Gray Garmon and Shadrack Frimpong, about what they learned from the Social Impact House and what they’re working on now. This is part of a three-part series on Garmon, Frimpong, and their collaboration; this article focuses on Gray Garmon.

Emma Sunog
November 27, 2018

Alumni Stories
Behind the Lens: Interview with Kira Simon-Kennedy

Kira Simon-Kennedy participated in our Executive Program in 2015 and our Impact+ House in 2018. She talked to us about China Residencies, the organization she founded; “Commodity City,” the documentary she produced; and her thoughts about using art to work towards social change.

Emma Sunog
November 13, 2018

Alumni Stories
Run for Something: A 2018 Election Day Exclusive with Seisei Tatebe-Goddu

As US voters head to the polls this election day, CSIS brings you an interview with Penn Social Impact House alumna Seisei Tatebe-Goddu, Chief Operating Officer of Run for Something.

Anna Dausman
November 6, 2018

Programs & Research
Q&A with Susan Sorenson: Executive Program in “Ending Violence & Abuse in Relationships”

The Center for Social Impact Strategy and the Ortner Center on Violence and Abuse in Relationships recently partnered to offer the Executive Program in Social Impact Strategy: Ending Violence & Abuse in Relationships launching in January, 2019. CSIS sat down with Dr. Susan B. Sorenson (Executive Director, Ortner Center) to discuss the program.

October 31, 2018

Alumni Stories, Programs & Research
Leading with Values – with Jordan Muse

In 2018, Jordan Muse (Executive Program in Social Impact Strategy, Class of 2017) worked as a Community Fellow with the Center for Social Impact Strategy. Here, she offers a reflection on what she learned from the program, alongside her experience at the 2018 CSIS Alumni Summit.

October 3, 2018

Alumni Stories, Programs & Research
Recap: 2018 Alumni Summit

This year, CSIS celebrated 892 CSIS Alumni: 375 participants in our residential Impact Houses, and 517 graduates of the Executive Program in Social Impact Strategy and our partner program in Arts Strategy. 105 alumni attended this year’s summit.

September 13, 2018

Alumni Stories
Autonomy Works – with Karrie Pece

This blog post is brought to you by CSIS alumna Karrie Pece, Executive Program in Social Impact Strategy 2017. Karrie and the organization she works for – Automony Works – were recently profiled in CSIS Studios. Take a look, and hear what Karrie has to say (below) about her journey.

September 4, 2018

Programs & Research
We asked a grant expert what makes proposals stand out. Here’s what he had to say.

Let’s talk about grants. In so many ways, they’re a wonderful thing, providing funding to organizations and businesses that are changing the world for the better, and who need financial support to create that change. Unfortunately, they can be really difficult to get, and often require a great deal of work. The good news is, applying for grants is well worth it.

Ariel Schwartz
August 18, 2018

Programs & Research
Recap: Impact + House for Teams

From August 2 – 6, 2018 the Center for Social Impact Strategy hosted the Impact+ House: our first ever Impact House for CSIS alumni and their teams. We hosted 16 people at Galusha Hill Farm Lodge in central Vermont, with 6 teams representing a range of social impact areas.

August 7, 2018

Programs & Research
Clothing the Loop – with Laura Francois

This blog post is brought to us by CSIS alumna Laura Francois, Executive Program in Social Impact Strategy 2018.

August 1, 2018